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Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The Permian Basin MPO, working cooperatively with its member agencies, develops a work program of transportation projects known as the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP lists projects developed through a cooperative, comprehensive, and continuing transportation planning process. The projects identified in the TIP must have a funding source and be listed in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The TIP is a short-range planning document that lists the transportation projects of the two cities, three counties, MOUTD, and the TxDOT Odessa District.


The purposes of the TIP include:


  • To identify improvements recommended for advancement during the four- year period;

  • To identify transportation improvement priorities for both highway and transit facilities and operations;

  • To provide realistic estimates of total costs and identified revenues for the program period; and

  • To reflect a cooperative, comprehensive, and continuing transportation planning process.



Funding for transportation improvements comes from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), TxDOT, and local entities.

Documents & Links

FY 2025-2028

FY 2023-2026 Amendments

FY 2023-2026


TIP Projects Map.jpg
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