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Permian Basin Resiliency Study

Permian Basin Resiliency Plan Vertical Bridge Clearance.png
Resiliency Map 36 x 48.png

1. Literature and state of the practice review and summary

​2. Identify the PBMPO Resiliency Impact Area
     - The resiliency plan development will focus on the transportation system within the PBMPO metropolitan area boundary (MAB), but also analyze on-state system roads to most sensible on-state system road intersection outside of the MAB. The project team will identify these intersections, which will logically serve as re-route points, in a systematic process. This effort will establish the "PBMPO Resiliency Impact Area" beyond the MAB.
3. Identify the historical disruptions to the PBMPO transportation system.

4. Identify vulnerable routes

5. Identify viable relief routes and mitigation options

6. Identify freight issues that may affect resiliency

7. Title VI/EJ investigations

8. Coordinate with emergency management entities

9. Investigate and identify potential alert and messaging system

10. Obtain stakeholder input

11. Develop a resiliency project scoring element

12. General and relative project/solution costs and implementation times.

13. Coordinate with TxDOT and other agencies on related efforts

14. Project management and reporting


Scope of Services

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