A subsequent corridor analysis completed after the SH 191 Corridor Study/Management Plan, the Midessa Land Use Transportation Study was initiated to reconsider the initial corridor study following the spaceport designation at Midland International Airport. At the time the MPO Policy Board deemed it necessary to authorize an update to the original study.
South Midland has experienced significant growth since 2010. Â The area lacks an efficient route to facilities and services located in the City of Midland and it also lacks the transportation infrastructure required for economic growth. The purpose of the study was to review potential transportation routes through the area that would remove traffic from congested and unsafe local roadways, provide access from the project area to the City of Midland and other areas of Midland County, and provide an impetus for economic development.
In 2011, Permian Basin MPO initiated the formulation of the SH 191 Corridor Study/Management Plan to address rapid growth occurring along the SH 191 corridor. The purpose of the study was to examine existing development patterns and development expectations and derive high-level land use and transportation strategies for the area that would provide a framework for future infrastructure investment.
The Northeast Midland Feasibility Study was executed by the City of Midland and Permian Basin MPO to define both the local and regional transportation needs of Northeast Midland, identify environmental resources in the area that need protected, and create a common vision among the various stakeholders in the area.
A multi-use trail is a path physically separated from motor vehicle traffic by an open space or barrier and either within a public right of way or easement, which accommodates two-way, non-motorized travelers including walkers and hikers, bicyclists, joggers, and skaters.
The desire for a safe bicycling connection between Midland and Odessa has been discussed for at least the past two decades. In September of 2017 the Permian Basin Metropolitan Organization was awarded $17,258 in supplemental funding under the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) State Planning and Research program to commence the evaluation and feasibility of an intercity trail facility. As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the urbanized area of Midland and Odessa, the agency is tasked with incorporating alternative transportation (cycling, jogging and walking, and other forms of pedestrian active transportation) as set out in the Codes of Ordinances of the Cities of Midland and Odessa, and the regulations and policies of Midland and Ector Counties. The Permian Basin MPO Policy Board approved additional funding in the amount of $24,742 for the study allowing the organization to proceed. On May 20, 2019, the Policy Board accepted the Multi-use trail study.
Permian Basin Freight and Energy Sector Transportation Plan
During the development of the 2018 Texas Freight Mobility Plan (TFMP), numerous transportation issues related to the energy sector were documented, leading to the recommendation of a Permian Basin Regional Freight Plan covering 22 Texas counties (Andrews, Borden, Crane, Crockett, Culberson, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Reagan, Reeves, Scurry, Upton, Ward, Winkler, Yoakum) and two New Mexico counties (Lea and Eddy).
The Permian Basin Freight and Energy Sector Plan identifies energy sector and other regional freight transportation activity, opportunities, challenges, and strategies for the Permian Basin. It identifies how energy sector and other regional freight transportation needs and opportunities impact the local, regional, and statewide transportation network and economic competitiveness. It identifies strategies for enhancing freight mobility, safety, connectivity, and other factors within the region.